Mihai Russu - Bucharest law firm

We are a reputable Bucharest law firm and we offer all our clients, individuals or legal entities, legal services at the highest level of competence and professionalism. Our mission is to thoroughly, equitably and efficiently represent the interests of our clients in Romania and abroad.

Successful services


We approach each case in a personalized, thorough way, in accordance with the best interests of our clients.

Thorough documentation

We have the skills to identify documented and pragmatic strategies


17 years of legal experience in different cases and disciplines of civil, commercial and criminal law


Te proper representation of our cliens best interests of, in the country or abroad, individuals and legal entities is the cornerstone of our mission.

Servicii juridice cababinet de avocatura

Unfortunately, sometimes there are situations and problems that can only be resolved through the courts. With a combined experience of over 25 years, our team can offer you assistance and representation in lawsuits in any field of law, offering you the best strategies and defenses. These are all the more important to you as the solution given after a trial is final.

We represent your best interests

We offer assistance and representation in lawsuits involving family law, civil law, commercial or criminal law:

  • enforcement appeals against foreclosures initiated by banks or debt collectors
  • lawsuits in the field of commercial law
  • complaints against contravention reports
  • processes in the relationship between employees and employers related to labor law
  • assistance in criminal proceedings
  • representation in car accident litigation
servicii juridice Cabinet Avocatura Mihai Russu

Our firm offers legal consulting services and legal opinions in any area of law. During the consultation we will offer you the most competent recommendations and we will provide you with personalized legal solutions. We will also identify the appropriate ways to solve their problems (through litigation, mediation or transaction) showing you the advantages and disadvantages of each.

Professional legal advice

Only by providing the best quality legal advice can we help you make the right decisions for your situation. Counseling is all the more important when the problem you are facing is a family one (divorce, child custody, alimony, inheritance, bank loan). Similar if your legal situation is one of the professional field: misunderstandings between partners, debt recovery, investment projects, capital market.
The accumulated experience of over 25 years of our team guarantees the quality of the services offered.

The economic market is always unpredictable, and sometimes the opportunities to develop your business appear in the most diverse forms.

One of these forms is taking over a business started by someone else and developing it by you. In this case, in order to know the benefits and risks of taking over a business, the pre-acquisition audit is a vital element in making the best business decision.

Through the specific legal audit service we identify the potential problems of the new business, point out the risks and then identify the related legal solutions, thus providing you with practical and applicable legal solutions for our clients and their businesses.

Prior to opening a lawsuit to reduce the cost of time and money, we initially seek to resolve your issue by inviting the other party to a negotiation in which all disputed issues will be discussed. These discussions can be completed through a transaction.

In our negotiations, we aim to get the best results for you. entrusting minors, establishing alimony, establishing a visitation schedule for the parent who does not live with the minor. Understanding these issues without going to trial will protect the child and keep him or her from being heard by the judge.

In terms of arbitration, we have relevant experience of success before the International Court of Arbitration of the Romanian Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

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